Women underwent 15 surgeries and had 6 ribs removed to look like a cartoon

Women underwent 15 surgeries and had 6 ribs removed to look like a cartoon

She has made the unreal real... R1.7 million later...

pixie fox

Growing up parents inspire their children by telling them: 'You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up'.

Pixie Fox is a 25-year-old Swedish lady who took this to heart as she made the journey transforming herself in a cartoon character. 

cartoon lady

She has undergone 15 separate surgeries and has had 6 of her ribs remove which cost her R1.7 million. Her 'dream' appearance is a combination of her favorite cartoon characters: Jessica Rabbit, Holli Would from Cool World and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.

Pixie says: "Those cartoon characters represent the idealisation of the female body... I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face."

To add more surprise to her fairytale, she is a former electrician! huh. Surely business has improved greatly looking her new look.

Pixie went under the knife again last month to have 6 ribs removed, this surgery has left her lower organs unprotected and she has set the record with her waist measuring in at just 36cm. The procedure cost R130 000.

Watch her full story in the video below

cartoon lady waist

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