Good Morning Angels: Helping a hard-working student achieve her dreams
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Sometimes, all you need is a little extra help in order to put you on the path to success...

Last year, we met Samantha Nkosi, a bright young woman working hard to secure a better future for herself. She matriculated with seven distinctions - despite losing her dad in that year. Her mother also fell ill and moved back to Richards Bay. Samantha stayed behind in Gauteng to finish school and study.
She has since completed her second year at the Tuks Groenkloof Campus, while achieving top marks. She achieved this academic excellence despite working at a job between classes and exams.
Her family cannot support her financially and although she has a full academic scholarship, she has to cover her own daily expenses like food, groceries, transport, and clothing. But Samantha is not completely on her own.
Her 'angel' in life is Jack Bothma, a 76-year-old pensioner who still works. His main reason for taking on jobs is not for himself or his family, but to help Samantha. He’s been a part of her life since she was eight, when her mother started working for him.
He contacted Good Morning Angels last year to help assist Samantha. ATKV Die Eiland answered that call last year and this year, they want to keep on supporting the star student.
REQUEST FOR: Samantha Nkosi
ANGEL: Bennie Steenkamp, Resort Manager at ATKV Die Eiland Spa
SPONSORING: ATKV Die Eiland will donate R10,000 to help Samantha with some pocket money and other essentials not covered by her bursary.
Liewe Good Morning Angels,
Ek besef daar is duisende ander wat in groter nood is, maar ek gaan probeer om hierdie geval te beskryf. Dit is 'n dametjie, Samantha Nkosi, wat haar tweede jaar in 2017, as leerling-onderwyser moet aandurf.
Weens haar akademiese prestasie is sy verseker van 'n studiebeurs, soos 2016. Sy kan egter nie vir 2017 registreer nie omdat sy tenspyte van 'n beurs, UP te Groenkloof, R2900 skuld wat sy nie het nie.
Haar vader is in haar Graad 12 jaar, waartydens sy 7 onderskeidings behaal het, oorlede. Haar moeder, sieklike pensionnaris, bly by haar familie in Ritchardsbaai. Sy het, soos baie ander, in moeilike omstandighede groot geword en in 'n een sinkkamer in 'n informele nedersetting gebly.
Ek kon, terwyl ek nog gewerk het, haar finansieel help om studie-materiaal te koop. Ek kry nou Staatspension en kan haar nie meer finansieel bystaan soos ek wil nie.
Haar droom is, om 'n onderwyser te word en as u na haar eerste jaar se resultate kyk, sal u besef sy is ernstig daaroor - dit is 'n passie vir haar. Sy gee tans onder toesig van gekwalifiseerde onderwysers in Evander, onderrig vir Graad 1 kinders, as haar eerste opdrag vir 2017.
Ek is 75 jaar oud en is voortdurend opsoek na werk sodat ek haar kan help en as sy met die bedrag gehelp kan word, sal ek, indien ek werk kry die bedrag terug betaal. Ek glo in haar en haar toekomsdrome en dat sy 'n sukses daarvan sal maak.
Dankie byvoorbaat,
Jack Bothma
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