The common hotspot for accidents many forget about

The common hotspot for accidents many forget about

This is definitely one of the more unexpected hotspots for accidents…

iStock/ Mr_Twister

When thinking of the most common hotspots for accidents, there is one location that is very often overlooked.

According to a report by the National Safety Council in the USA, over 50,000 parking lot accidents take place each year.

Based on the same report, there are more than 500 deaths due to parking lot collisions.

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"While South Africa’s stats are limited, it is safe to assume that parking lots here are just as an ideal location for collisions with other vehicles, people and stationary objects," said MasterDrive CEO Eugene Herbert.

"Unfortunately, drivers in parking lots do not give the same respect to road signs and markings that they do on other roads."

"Additionally, distraction amongst both drivers and pedestrians is more prevalent. Lastly, as drivers have just reached their destination, their awareness levels also automatically drop. This all combines to create an accident waiting to happen."

MasterDrive compiled a list of tips to avoid accidents in parking lots:

  • Follow the rules
  • Don't speed
  • Hyperawareness
When arriving and leaving parking lots, drivers should stay aware of objects, and other cars, and people in the parking lot.

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  • Be Selective

"The perfect parking spot is not the one closest to the entrance, it is the one safest to exit later. A parking spot where drivers can pull through are the best."

"Be sure there is nothing dividing the spots. If you cannot find a pull-through, reverse into your parking spot. This provides the best visibility when leaving. Ideally, select a spot against a wall in a well-lit area."

  • Extra Check

Before getting into your car, check your surroundings for any objects or obstacles.

  • The Rearview = Limited View

MasterDrive said that drivers should not only rely on rearview cameras to park. They only aid in parking and mirrors or checking over your shoulder should still be used. 

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Image: iStock/ Mr_Twister


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