How much petrol attendants earn in SA

How much petrol attendants earn in SA

Next time you fill up your car, you might want to tip your petrol attendant…

Engen petrol attendant using a bank card machine
Engen petrol attendant using a bank card machine/Facebook/@SquadMagazine

You're driving into a petrol station, about to spend half your salary on filling up your car, when a friendly face greets you and lightens up your day with their kindness and energy.

This is the impact that South Africa's petrol attendants have on our daily lives.

South African petrol attendants are known for making headlines across the country, usually for all the right reasons.

Not only do their viral dances, paying it forward, kindness, and uplifting energy impact motorists' lives, but they also play a vital role in the economy.

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Beyond just pumping fuel, they also offer other services that are important for the safety and efficiency of vehicles on the road.

This includes maintenance tasks such as cleaning windshields, checking oil and water levels, and ensuring optimal tyre pressure.

They will often even assist you if run into car trouble like a flat tyre.

In a country with such a high unemployment rate as South Africa, the implementation of petrol attendants also means more job opportunities, offering stable employment to many.

So if petrol attendants’ impact is this great, how much money do they earn?

After finalising its wage tables for 2024/2025, the Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO) has identified how much petrol station attendants should be paid in 2024.

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According to the wage tables for 2024/2025, petrol attendants earn a minimum of R1,962.45 per week (R7,850 a month), or R43.61 per hour, while cashiers earn slightly less (R1,941.75 per week).

*Note: These amounts are the minimum required payment and may not represent the actual salary of all petrol attendants


So, next time you visit a petrol station, you might want to consider tipping your petrol attendant for their hard and honest work.

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IMAGE: Facebook/ @SquadMagazine


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