Arm wrestler, Konrad, needs a life-saving brain operation
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Romans's Pizza and Good Morning Angels assisted arm wrestler, Konrad Conradie, with R50,000 towards his life-saving brain operation!

Konrad Conradie, 36, from the East Rand is a self-employed husband to Elize and dad to 12-year-old Dylan.
He is also an active and talented arm wrestler and well-known and loved in the arm wrestling community. Friends and family have rallied around Konrad and his family over the past few months.
His health has deteriorated and he is in constant pain, due to a tumour in his sinuses and a cyst in his brain. This caused him to have two strokes, affecting his left arm and causing him constant pain. He is unable to work and provide for his family.
Family, friends, and members of the community have already paid R19,000 to the hospital, as time is running out, but they are still well short (R50,000) of the funds needed for Konrad to have his life-saving operation. That’s why they reached out to Good Morning Angels.
REQUEST FOR: Konrad Conradie and his wife, Elize
REQUEST FROM: Rosemary Bötha and Margaret Bosch
ANGEL: Our fabulous Festive Sponsors, Roman’s Pizza represented by Bonnie Cooper
SPONSORING: Roman's Pizza will assist Konrad with R50,000 towards his life-saving brain operation!
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Good day Angels
I am contacting you on behalf of an arm wrestling colleague and friend, Konrad Conradie. He has a wife and young son who depend on him and he has been diagnosed with a brain tumour that requires urgent surgery. As per the information I received from his wife, he does not have long before this tumour will take its final toll on his body. The deadline for the operation is in the next few months.
Konrad's medical aid only covers part of the cost and he still needs a large sum - estimate is R50 000 - to have this operation. Friends and family have already raised just over R17 000 that I am aware of and part of the account has been paid to the hospital already. They are not asking for money for themselves, but rather to cover the medical expenses so that he will have an opportunity to watch his son grow up and possibly receive his Protea Colours in arm wrestling next year.
Konrad is self-employed and his medical condition is such that he currently cannot work. Please know that they do not know I have sent this request, but I know they are desperate to save his life.
I pray that this meets the requirements and favour of the GMA team and he can receive the surgery he so desperately needs.
Rosemary Bötha
Hi daar Good Morning Angels,
Ek weet nie waar om te begin. Ek hoop vir harte jul sal 'n tydjie afstaan en net groot asb hoor watter hulp ons dringent nodig het.
My swaer Konrad het baie baie dringent 'n sinus operasie nodig maar die mediese hospitaal plan waarop hy is dek vir niks. Hy is nou al die afgelope 2 maande meer in die hospitaal as by die huis. Hy het ook 'n sist wat by die linker oor by die brein sit. Die drukking van dit en die sinus stelsel wat nie meer werk nie, het nou al veroorsaak dat hy 'n stroke gehad het so 4 weke terug en ook nou weer n ligte een vandag. Die Dr se dit gaan glad nie goed met Konrad en hy moet dringent die opp kry hy gaan net meer verswak. Hy sukkel na die stroke met sy linker arm en vandag se hy, hy kan nie sy hand toemaak. Hy is so goeie mens en is ALTYD MA ALTYD daar vir almal hy gee letterlik sy laaste geld en kos vir ander wat nie het. Help tot mense op straat in sy huis om weer op hul voete te kom. Hy is ook een van SA se beste armdrukkers hy druk vir Pain &Gain Arm Wrestling en was nou al n paar keer Arnold's toe en is ook gekies vir Worlds. Jul sal jan sien hoe goeie masjien hy is op hul Facebook blad. Ons kom op ons knieë na jul toe asb. Ek gaan al die Dr en hospitaal se rek wat ons moet betaal aanheg. Ons as familie en vriende het al R19000 in die hospitaal se rek inbetaal. Die opp kos +- R70 000 en ons het dit nie. My suster en hul seun Dylan van 12 jaar huil elke dag want hul weet nie meer wat om te doen. Ek en my broer betaal hul medies en gee geld vir kos al die afgelope paar maande weens Konrad nie kan werk die pyn is net te erg. Ons doen dit met liefde en help waar ons kan. Hy kan met rukke nie eers loop van die pyn. Ons is self nie wel af mense nie, en lewe maar self ook dag tot dag. Ons help mekaar almal waar ons kan as broer en susters. Elize ons ou sus konrad se vrou het ook nie werk nie. Sy is totaal afhanklik van Konrad en ons. Sy kry so skaam om ons heeltyd in die gesig te kyk ons voel so bitter baie jammer vir ha maar is oneindig lief vir ha en sal ons laaste gee vir ha, Konrad en Dylan.
Asb ons is raadop ons weet nie meer wat om te doen en wie om te vra. GROOT ASB MARTIN HELP ASB VIR KONRAD. Jul is meer as welkom om my enige tyd te kontak. ASB ASB ASB ASB ONS VRA MOOI. HELP OM KONRAD SE LEWE TE RED.
Margaret Bosch
Tune in to the 'Breakfast with Martin Bester', weekdays from 06:00 - 09:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.
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