Assisting Chané with the fight for her life against cancer

Assisting Chané with the fight for her life against cancer

Good Morning Angels assisted Chané with her medical and other needs after being diagnosed with stage four cancer and losing her job...

Jacaranda FM

Chané Coetzee is 31 years old and she needs a job to save her life. She is single and independent, and has looked after herself for many years. 

In November last year, Chané felt unwell, but she was not prepared for the diagnosis that she received: an extremely rare form of lung cancer - stage 4. 


According to her doctor, she is only the third known patient to have ever been diagnosed with this form of cancer in South Africa.

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Chané has always been a fighter and she took this head-on. She's already had chemo and now she's moved on to targeted radiation treatment.

She's been working from home through all this, as she cannot be exposed to germs, especially during the winter months. Now, she's lost her job and her means to pay for her medical aid - not to mention the normal monthly expenses.

Chané says she's been overwhelmed by the support of her friends and people whom she has never met. She set up a fundraising page and has raised over R60,000. 

A group of friends are also arranging a fundraising event for her benefit to help her maintain her medical aid, co-payments, and living costs. 

The event is called, 'The Breath of Hope Fest'. It will take place on the 24th of August at the KHOSA Sports Club in Krugersdorp. 

"When one door closes, anther one opens," says Chané, who refuses to let cancer stand in the way of her plans for the future. 


REQUEST FOR:  Chané Coetzee 

REQUEST FROM: Irene Combrinck

ANGEL: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC

Mandela Day: Spreading hope for the future to children with special needs

SPONSORING: The Good Morning Angels Fund will assist Chané with R50,000 towards her medical and other needs

Jacaranda FM



I am writing this e-mail to you, as I’ve been advised that you might be able to provide assistance, as you strive towards making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

We require urgent and much needed assistance for a 31-year-old single female, who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and despite chemo therapy , her health is deteriorating tremendously, and unfortunately on top of everything her employer suspended her yesterday, despite her efforts to work and attend to her duties, whilst being hospitalised and receiving radiation, and giving her best during her struggle the past year. 

She was discharged from Flora Life on Monday, 29.07.2024, and now that she is suspended, she won’t be able to afford her monthly rent, car insurance, most importantly, groceries and her medical aid instalment, and she is tremendously stressed and depressed, and this is not good for her condition, she has nobody to turn to, to ask for assistance, and her medical aid is of utmost importance in order to receive the required medical treatment.  

Can I please beg for assistance for this female? She is so desperate and with no one to assist her in any way, as she also recently lost her father. 

Kindly indicate your willingness to provide assistance, in order for me to provide you with her contact details, so that you can make contact with her, and she can provide you with the medical records, etc. for perusal.

I appreciate your consideration in this regard. 

We thank you for always helping and making a difference. 

Looking forward to hear from you !

Irene Combrinck

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IMAGE: Jacaranda FM


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