Assisting a widower from Pretoria after he lost his hearing
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Sunnyboy Jiyane lost his wife and his income during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now he has lost most of his hearing, too.

Sunnyboy Jiyane is a widower and dad from Pretoria. He works as a driver at a Pretoria business, where he has to pick up and drop off clients on a daily basis.
He lost his wife and his income during the COVID-19 pandemic, which left him financially and emotionally destitute, as he is the breadwinner of his family.
It also seems that he lost most of his hearing, too. When he returned to work, colleagues were shocked at how much Sunnyboy struggled to hear.
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One of his colleagues, Anja Gerber, took him for a hearing test and it was found that he needed hearing aids… at a cost that is far beyond his financial means. The cost of the hearing aids, test, moulds, and fitting comes to just under R60,000!
That’s why Anja wrote to Good Morning Angels on Sunnyboy's behalf.
REQUEST FOR: Sunnyboy Jiyane
ANGEL 1: Jolandi Hitge-Ludick, Audiologist at the Ear Institute
SPONSORING: Jolandi has done Sunnyboy’s hearing test and recommended hearing aids. The Ear Institute will assist Sunnyboy with one of his hearing aids, the moulds, and fitting, as well as the initial test free of charge. That’s a sponsorship of R37,500!
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ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The Good Morning Angels Fund will assist Sunnyboy with the cost of the second hearing aid at R22,000!
Goeie More Martin en Good Morning Angels Span,
Ek sit vandag met 'n seer hart en stuur vir julle die email. Ons het 'n drywer by ons, Sunnyboy Jiyane. Sunnyboy se gehoor is glad nie waar dit moet wees nie.
Sunnyboy is 'n getroue werker, elke dag op sy pos. Hy moet kliënte in die oggend en in die middag op- en aflaai. Dit is 'n vreeslike gesukkel om met hom te komunikeer. Wat my die seerste maak, is dat wanneer ons so hard met hom moet praat, sal van die kliënte begin lag. Die ergste vir my is om sy gesigsuitdrukking te sien. My hart krimp in een.
Sunnyboy is altyd meer as bereid om mense te help en nou kan niemand by my werk hom help nie.
Hy het sy vrou in die Covid-tyd verloor. Hy was retrench en dit was 'n skok om te besef dat hy nie meer kan hoor nie, toe hy weer terug kom werk toe. Hy is sy gesin se enigste broodwinner en kan glad nie bekostig om dit op sy eie te doen nie.
Ek het al probeer om iemand se ou paar gehoorstukke vir hom te kry, net dat hy kan hoor, maar daar het niks van gekom nie.
My eie ma kort 'n paar maar vandag kom vra ek vir Sunnyboy dat daar iemand daar buite is wat hom kan help om weer 'n vol lewe te kan lei na al die teëspoed waardeur hy is. Ons almal gaan deur moeilike tye met die ekonomie, maar die is nie 'n luxury nie, maar 'n noodsaaklikheid. ASB Julle.
Ek sal so baie waardeer.
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