The gift of hearing for a young music teacher
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Roman’s Pizza and Good Morning Angels assisted Bernice with R40,000 towards her hearing aids, to enable her to pursue her teaching and music career!

Bernice Joubert, 23, is a young woman with a passion for music and teaching. She plays several instruments, including piano, violin, accordion, and guitar. With the financial help of a NSFAS state bursary, she completed her final year teaching degree this year - and her plan is to be a music teacher!
Her mom, Marisa, says they always knew Bernice was a little "different" and after State Hospital visits, she was diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome - this affects the connective tissue or ligaments. Bernice also complained that she was struggling with her hearing - a musician's most important sense.
Marisa says they were shocked to discover that Bernice’s hearing was severely impaired - to the point that the doctors advised her to change her teaching aspirations. Bernice, however, kept going and finished.
They have found a hearing device, specifically designed for musicians, that would enable Bernice to fulfil her music and teaching aspirations, but it comes with a R40,000 price tag - which Bernice and her family simply cannot afford.
She has found a teaching job to start next year, if her hearing can be improved, and that’s why Marisa wrote to Good Morning Angels for assistance - to enable Bernice to start her career as a music teacher.
REQUEST FOR: 23-year-old Bernice Joubert
REQUEST FROM: Her mom, Marisa Joubert
ANGEL: Our fabulous Festive Sponsors, Roman's Pizza represented by André le Roux
SPONSORING: Roman's Pizza will assist Bernice with R40,000 towards her hearing aids, to enable her to pursue her teaching and music career!
Goeie Middag,
Ons het 'n 23 jarige dogter Bernice wat 'n finale jaar onderwys student is. Sy het 'n NSFAS beurs wat haar help met studies en gewoonlik sou dit help met haar gestremdheid. Maar weens korrupsie met die fondse het hul glad nie hulp verleen met haar gestremdheid nie.
Sy is vroeër die jaar gediagnoseer met Marfin sindroom. Ons het altyd geweet sy is bietjie anders, haar ligamente is 4 keer slapper as 'n gewone mens. Sy het 'n passie vir onderwys en musiek. Sy speel klavier, kitaar, viool, trek klavier en orrel. Sy het begin kla dat sy nie lekker kan hoor nie. Na vele Steve Biko besoeke het hul uitgevind dat sy gehoor gestremd is. Haar ore is soos die van 'n 60 jarige persoon.
Dit het ons almal verpletter. Almal by Steve Biko het haar aangeraai om haar studie rigting te verander. Sy het net gesê dat God haar daar wou hê en dat sy dit nie gaan verander. Haar drome vir verdere musiek onderrig is verpletter.
Ons het by Starkey een van hul gehoor toestelle gesien wat haar drome kan vervolmaak. Hul het gehoor toestelle wat musikante kan gebruik.
Ons het deur audioloë probeer om met Starkey te reël vir 'n afbetalings pakket, maar ongelukkig moet sy eers 60% van die apparate betaal voordat hul enige reëlings vir afbetaling aanvaar.
Ek voel as ouer moedeloos en het al aan als probeer dink om die R30 - R40 000 bymekaar te maak. Kan jul asb haar droom waar maak en haar help hoor. Nie net ons en almal se stemme nie, maar ook haar musiek asb.
Sy het deesdae haar meer van ons gesins lewe ook begin onttrek omdat dit haar frustreer omdat sy ons nie kan hoor nie.
Marisa Joubert
Tune in to the 'Breakfast with Martin Bester', weekdays from 06:00 - 09:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.
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