Good Morning Angels: Flying Colours for Sizwe Ntuli
Updated | By The Complimentary Breakfast
Last year, Jacaranda FM owners, Kagiso Media paid off Sizwe's first years study debt of R22 000, with funds raised at a conference last year. Sizwe held his end of the bargain and aced his first year. With his results, he was able to secure a loan for his second year.
Student, Sizwe Nthuli passes his first year with flying colours ... and he's varsity fees are sorted for his 2nd!
BACKGROUND: The #FeesMustFall plight by students across South Africa dominated the news last year and is still not over ...with most South Africans supporting the plight for access to higher education for all students who qualify. There are too many stories of bright, talented, dedicated and hard working young South Africans who are excluded from a tertiary education and the opportunities it brings, mainly because they and their parents cannot afford it. We received an email in October 2015, just before the protests started and started to look for a sponsor ... Sizwe Nthuli is just one of the thousands of students facing exclusion, because his single mother and domestic worker, Alex cannot afford to pay his study fees. He is also one of thousands who should qualify for government support, only to be told later, that he didn't get help and now has to pay-up of leave.
Jacaranda FM owners, Kagiso Media paid off Sizwe's first year debt of R22 000, with funds raised at a conference last year. Sizwe held his end of the bargain and aced his first year. With his results, he was able to secure a loan for his second year.
Goeie more Dianne en Rian
Ek, Sizwe en Alex was in Oktober 2015 by julle en Werner Lindemann van Kagiso Media en Jacaranda Good Mirning Angels het AL Sizwe se studiegeld betaal waarvoor ons so dankbaar is. Dianne het gevra dat ek julle op hoogte van Sizwe se vordering sal hou en daarom heg ek sy uitslae van die pas afgelope eksamen hierby aan. Hy het baie goed gedoen en werk regtig hard want hy wil niemand teleur stel nie.
Belinda de Villiers
Goeie môre,
Ek val sommer dadelik met die deur in die huis…..
My huishulp, Alex Ntuli, werk al 20 jaar by my. Sy is die ma van Sizwe,’n baie knap,22-jarige seun. Sy is ook ‘n enkel ouer - Sizwe se Pa woon in Natal en is werkloos. Sizwe se droom is om ‘n onderwyser te word. Aan die begin van 2015, is hy toegelaat om onderwys by TUT te studeer. Sy ma se betaalstrokies , ID en polisie-verklarings moes ingedien word asook ‘n bedrag van R1500 vir registrasie. Ons het alles gedoen.
Hy het egter nou gehoor dat hy R32 000 vir sy studies moet betaal!!!! Hy het ook aansoek gedoen vir ‘n beurs, maar is meegedeel dat beurse eers van hul 2de jaar af beskikbaar is. Sizwe werk baie hard en sy punte is baie goed. Dit sal vreeslik wees as hy sy studies moet staak en sy droom moet laat vaar omdat hy nie geld het nie.
Dit sal wonderlik wees indien julle dit kan oorweeg om vir Sizwe te help om sy droom te leef!
Baie dankie
Belinda de Villiers
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