Good Morning Angels: Relieving a 64-year-old woman of her shoulder pain
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
All that Susan de Jager wanted for her 64th birthday was to be pain-free. The Good Morning Angels team, along with Operation Healing Hands, have made her dream come true.

Susan de Jager is a resident of the Phyllis Robertson Home for adults with special needs.
She will be turning 64 later this month, and will be celebrating with the staff and fellow residents who have become her family.
All she wants for her birthday is to be pain free and regain the use of her 'good arm' and with that, some independence. From birth, Susan has been partially paralysed on her right-hand side.
She struggles to walk, but she has some mobility and prides herself on taking care of herself with her left arm - washing and brushing her teeth, doing her hair, dressing herself, eating, and all those daily tasks that we hardly notice doing, but give us dignity.
We asked Susan’s caregiver, Sister Lynette, to bring her to the local private hospital for a pretend 'check-up' on her left shoulder. The muscles are torn and the joint is completely worn out. She’s been on the state hospital’s list for a shoulder replacement for months.
Susan has been unable to use her only good arm, which has been giving her immense pain for months. However, the real reason for Susan’s visit was for the Good Morning Angels team to surprise Susan with the news that she so desperately wants from Operation Healing Hand’s Dr. Helene Basson.
A request was sent to the goodwill organisation - of private health care practitioners and facilities - on Susan’s behalf at the beginning of this year.
REQUEST FOR: Susan de Jager from a Pretoria Home for Adults with special needs
ANGEL: Dr. Helene Basson on behalf of Operation Healing Hands
SPONSORING: Operation Healing Hands participant, prof. Theo will perform a "Reverse Shoulder Replacement” on Susan at the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital - all free of charge and before her 64th birthday!
FIND MORE ON OPERATION HEALING HANDS: Visit: Operation Healing Hands or email requests to: [email protected]
Goeie môre,
Me Susan de Jager is 63-aar oud. Sy is 'n Spastiese Hemipleeg as gevolg van geboorte besering. Haar "goeie" skouer gee nou baie pyn en ongemak omdat dit die enigste skouer is wat sy kan gebruik.
Is al vir jare 'n pasient by Steve Biko Hospitaal se skouer kliniek, maar kon nog nooit gehelp word nie. Op die oomblik is sy heeltemal afhanklik van hulp omdat die skouer soveel probleme gee (sy kan omtrent glad nie haar arm gebruik nie.
Susan woon in Phyllis Roberstson tehuis vir volwasse gestremdes. Sy het skolasties tot graad 10 gevorder. Omdat sy 'n hemipleeg is kan sy nie lang ente loop nie maar kan tog 'n paar tree loop as dit nodig is.
’n Versoek namens Susan is al aan die begin van die jaar aan Operation Healing Hands ingestuur. Haar versoek is in proses en sy sou eers middel volgende jaar gehelp kon word.
Dr Helene het my egter vanoggend die goeie nuus gegee dat nog iemand gehelp kan word deur OHH voor die einde van die jaar - en dat sy die regte prostese vir Susan gekry het!
Hulle beplan 'n "Reverse Shoulder Replacement" by Zuid Afrikaanse Hospitaal.
Omdat ek vir meer as 30 jaar by die Steve Biko se ortopediese departement gewerk het, ken ek vir Susan baie goed en weet dat sy "over the moon" gaan wees met die nuus.
Sister Lynette
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