Helping a community-driven centre back onto the road

Getting a community-driven centre back on the road

Good Morning Angels assisted Triest Training Centre, a centre that cares for people with intellectual disabilities, with a donation of R100,000 to pay for the outstanding repairs on their minibus and to fill up the tank for a few trips.

Triest Training Centre

Triest Training Centre for people with intellectual disabilities is a refuge for 54 special needs adults in the Klerksdorp area. They've been providing activities for adults who need assistance for the past 27 years. 

The age range of people in their care is from 18 to 73, but intellectually their age range is between three and 13 years. Half of the people attend on a daily basis and around half of them live-in permanently, in three residential homes near the centre. 

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They provide a full service to these residents, including medical assistance and trips to the local hospitals and clinics. 

Triest offers all sorts of activities, like sports days, crafts, gardening, and they are very proud of their choir, which participates in the annual eisteddfod and performs at churches and old age homes.

Despite financial hardship and funding cuts, they've been able to cover the basics.  Triest is state supported, but they have not received any subsidy payments so far this year, which leaves no room for unexpected expenses.

When their minibus broke down on the road last year, they had it towed and repaired. However, they have not been able to pay the R76,000 bill, which means they’ve not been able to collect it.

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This is a cost they simply cannot carry and that’s why members of the the community have asked Good Morning Angels for help. 

REQUEST FOR: Triest Training Centre, represented by Johan Gerber 

Jacaranda FM

REQUEST FROM: Franlene van Staden 

ANGEL: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC

SPONSORING: The Good Morning Angels Fund will assist Triest with a donation of R100,000, to pay the outstanding R76,000 for the repairs on their minibus and to fill up the tank for a few trips.

Triest Training Centre 2


Dear Good Morning Angels, 

We are writing this email to ask you to please assist the centre in repairing the bus that they need for transport. We are a community real estate firm from Klerksdorp for the last 14 years and have seen the great work the centre does with these people. It is really sad that they are facing these difficulties and please ask for your assistance in this matter. 

Thank you,

Franlene van Staden

Here is their message:

Good Day,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am reaching out to kindly request your assistance with a challenging situation we are facing. Our bus has encountered mechanical issues. It has been repaired, but due to financial challenges, we cannot pay for the repairs.  Given your reputation for supporting those in need, we would be immensely grateful if you could help us in any way, whether through advice, contacts, or direct assistance in this matter.

I have attached a letter with further details regarding the situation for your review. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for considering our request. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Warm regards,

Johan Gerber

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IMAGE: Supplied


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