Airport puts limit on hugging time at drop-off zone

Airport puts limit on hugging time at drop-off zone

Should there be a limit to how long people embrace when they are saying goodbye to each other at the airport?

Man and woman embracing each other at airport
Man and woman embracing each other at airport/ iStock

Saying goodbye to someone you love at the airport can be very emotional. 

People express themselves in different ways. 

Some people cry and others hug each other for a long time, but hugging each other for too long seems to be a problem for one of the airports in New Zealand. 

The Dunedin Airport reportedly introduced a new policy that limits hugging to three minutes at the drop-off zone. 

According to Sky News, those who want longer goodbyes should head to the car park.

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The airport reportedly developed the policy to improve safety and keep traffic flowing in the zone. 

'By shifting it, we reduce congestion and make it easier for passengers to be dropped off safely,'  reads a statement on the airport's website. 

Some people on social media have criticised the policy, saying it is inhumane, while others said a three-minute hug is long enough. 

See some of the comments on X

READ: Global Hug Your Kids Day: The benefits of hugging

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