Are women entrepreneurs the answer to our high unemployment rate?

Are women entrepreneurs the answer to our high unemployment rate?

With unemployment levels in South Africa at a whopping 33% - one of the highest rates in Sub-Saharan Africa, many people turn to starting their own businesses in an effort to make a living. But what does it take to be an entrepreneur and, in particular, a female entrepreneur?

Mindful Living and Pawa

In the latest episode of Mindful Living, host Izelle Hoffman talks to two entrepreneurs who’ve taken the brave step to start their own business. 

Alesimo Mwanga and Joy Sibanyoni are two of a trio of dynamic women who run a sustainability agency called, PAWA Africa. They aim to help accelerate the success of South African women-led businesses by championing the urgent mandate of helping close the financing gap that currently exists for female entrepreneurs in South Africa. 

Click below to listen to the podcast.

Chocolate flaxseed flapjacks
Izelle Hoffman

ALSO LISTEN TO: Passievolle juweelontwerper van Pretoria gesels oor bedagsaamheid

BELOW: Check out the recipe from Izelle's book Mindful Eating that Alesimo Mwanga and Joy Sibanyoni chose: Chocolate flaxseed flapjacks

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4 large flapjacks 

  • 8 egg whites (or alternatively you can use 4 whole eggs)
  • 2 heaped Tbsp ground flaxseeds
  • 1 heaped Tbsp almond flour
  • 1 heaped Tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1 tsp moringa powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp caramel essence
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 pinch Oryx desert salt
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey 


  • almond butter
  • sliced banana
  • raw honey
  • flaked almonds 
  • raw cacao powder 

1.       Place all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat to a smooth batter. Alternatively, use a shaker with a whisk ball and shake well for 1 minute.

2.       Spray a crêpe pan or small frying pan with non-stick cooking spray and place over medium heat.

3.       Pour the batter into the pan, using a quarter of the mixture per flapjack. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip over and cook the other side until golden brown.

4.       Top the flapjacks with almond butter, followed by banana, honey, flaked almonds and a dusting of cacao powder.

Note: Lightly toast the flaked almonds for a “wow” end result!  
Top with fresh blueberries instead of banana for another delicious variation 

Why do we make use of these ingredients: 

Raw Cacao

Raw cacao contains very high amounts of antioxidants, reduces appetite and helps with weight loss. It alleviates stress, helps manage depression and regulates blood pressure. It is a fantastic source of calcium too. 


Anti-inflammatory/immune boosting, Omega3 and amazing source of Fiber which is essential for gut health. 


Whether in the form of milk, flour, butter or flakes, almonds are packed with nutritional benefits. They boost the immune system, help repair damaged skin, help prevent cancer, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and have alkalising properties. They are also a source of vitamin E, magnesium and high-quality protein.  

Oryx Desert Salt

What is the purpose of adding salt during cooking? It’s to enhance flavour, right? So why not start by using a good-quality salt to do the job? Sundried and unrefined with no additives will bring out the best in your food in the healthiest way possible. 

Raw Honey

Salt needs sweet and vice versa to enhance taste and flavour. So when you add sweetness, choose a sweetness that has a healing effect on your body and health. Raw honey is antiviral and antifungal, and contains powerful antioxidants. Its helps ward off allergies, stabilise blood pressure and balance blood sugar levels. It also boosts the immune system and promotes digestive health. 


Anti inflammatory, fiber and essential for gut health. 


Blueberries are one of the best antioxidant foods, second only to baobab powder. I always have frozen blueberries in the freezer and baobab powder in the pantry to bake blueberry crumble or make a nutritious breakfast smoothie. Bluegerries with the chocolate flapjacks is also always a winner

Find more episodes from Mindful Living with Izelle Hoffman in the channel below.

Main image courtesy of JacPod.

More about Izelle:

Lifestyle chef and cookbook author Izelle Hoffman is a rising star in South Africa's culinary firmament. Raised in a farming environment that placed great importance on good food, she’s convinced that eating correctly adds significantly to a life of overall wellness.

Izelle is well known to local television audiences as the lifestyle chef on a number of programs and she has also been food editor on a range of fitness magazines. She is author of Mindful Eating.

Follow Izelle on social media:

@IzelleHoffman on Instagram
Izelle Hoffman Lifestyle Chef on Facebook

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