Celebrate International Podcast Day with Jacaranda FM

Celebrate International Podcast Day with Jacaranda FM

Jacaranda FM has an array of world class podcasts for you to enjoy whenever, wherever.

Woman with headphones SA
Woman with headphones SA/ canva

Not only does Jacaranda FM bring you top quality radio, but we have some of the most interesting podcasts for you to digest.

LISTEN: JacPod's offering

To celebrate International Podcast Day, which takes place annually on 30 September, take a look below at a selection of the Jacaranda FM podcasts you should not miss out on:

Mevrou Mevrou

Mevrou Mevrou S2 E2 Banner
Jacaranda FM

Dis hier waar jy hoor waaroor ‘n Mevrou se lewe nou eintlik gaan – ‘n dosis hardop lag, lang trane huil, vra vir genade, pleit vir geduld. Elke dag se dinge op ‘n skinkbord en nee, nie met tee nie. Hierdie Mevrouens doen nie tee en toebroodjies nie. Maar dan is Gerda de Sousa en Dianne Broodryk nou ook nie alledaags nie. Hulle is maal twee. Hulle is Mevrou Mevrou!

True Crime South Africa – Die Afrikaanse weergawe

True Crime South Africa Afrikaanse Weergawe Seisoen 2

True Crime South Africa – die Afrikaanse weergawe vertel die ware verhale en intrigues agter van Suid-Afrika se mees berugte en skokkende misdade ooit. Dié episodes het meer inligting wat op spesifiek die slagoffers fokus. Hier hoor jy meer oor die stories wat jy gedink het jy ken. Die episodes is nagevors, geskryf en vervaardig deur Nicole Engelbrecht vir haar gewilde True Crime South Africa reeks. Dit word oorvertel in Afrikaans deur JacarandaFM se Gerda de Sousa.

To the Last Drop

To The Last Drop Podcast Web Banner 2024

Seasoned rugby writers Brenden Nel and Liam Del Carme have teamed up with Jacaranda FM to bring you 'To The Last Drop', your weekly dose of all things rugby. They collectively bring almost 60 years of rugby reporting to the microphone diving into the game's most topical news stories, interviewing guests in-the-know, gazing into the fixture list crystal ball, and occasionally exploring the game's weird and wacky. Like the bounce of the ball, every episode is a journey into the unknown. TTLD talks tipple too, as our hosts and guests uncork tales that will likely titillate.

Happy listening!

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