Clean air and quality sound! These headphones double up as a wearable air purifier

Clean air and quality sound! These headphones double up as a wearable air purifier

Dyson, a Singaporean multinational technology company, recently developed a new invention that offers clean air and quality sound on the move. 

Dyson headphones with air purifier
Dyson headphones with air purifier/ YouTube screenshot

Air pollution reportedly kills an estimated seven-million people worldwide every year.

According to WHO, almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits containing high levels of pollutants. 

To combat the problem, Dyson, a multinational technology company, has come up with technology that will see people wearing air-purifying headphones which also have an active noise cancelling option. 

This technology took six years to create. 

READ: Is your teen's hearing at risk because of the use of headphones?

"For 6 years, Dyson engineers worked on a way to purify your air. Not just indoors but outdoors as well," states the Dyson website

The air purification is found inside the headphones. 

How it works is that the headphones have two compressors that sit in the ear cups. These compressors spin, which draws in air. Then a filter removes the particulate and gases from the air. Then the purified air passes down through the visor at the front. 

In addition, the headphones will come with an attachment that can be used as a sealed, full-contact mask.

Learn more about the headphones below:

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