Does rooibos aid in weight loss? This is what studies found

Does rooibos aid in weight loss? This is what studies found

Do you want to lose weight? Maybe rooibos might do the trick...

Rooibos tea
Rooibos/ iStock

Obesity continues to be a major concern all over the world. 

The World Health Organisation states that in 2022, 1 in 8 people in the world were living with obesity and worldwide adult obesity has more than doubled since 1990. Adolescent obesity has reportedly quadrupled.

A 2024 report by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) says almost 50% of adult South Africans are overweight or obese. 

Health experts recommend living a healthy lifestyle to maintain good weight. 

It is important to watch what you eat and drink and to exercise. 

READ: Do you drink rooibos tea with milk or without?

One of the recommended drinks that reportedly assists in weight loss is rooibos tea. 

A 2023 study published in the journal Nutrients states that adding rooibos tea to the daily diet is “likely to prevent the development of obesity associated with chronic low-level inflammation”. 

Another 2014 study suggested that rooibos tea could also help in weight management. It increases levels of leptin (a hormone that regulates food intake and lets your brain know that you’re full).

The following benefits of Rooibos are taken from WebMed:

- Helps with weight loss or weight management by increasing levels of leptin. The hormone sends signals to the brain that can suppress feelings of hunger and regulate food intake. 

- Rooibos also encourages metabolism and limits the formation of new fat cells. 

READ: Perfect combo! Burnt honey and rooibos loaf recipe

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Disclaimer: Health-related information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor on any health-related issues.

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