Drunk man joins missing search party to find... HIMSELF

Drunk man joins missing search party to find... HIMSELF

We know drinking sometimes causes people to do strange things. However, this one must top the scale - joining a search party to find yourself.

A drunk man joins the missing search party to find HIMSELF.

A Turkish man found himself joining volunteers in search of a missing person. The family made a police report after the man failed to come home after heading out drinking with friends the night before. 

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The construction worker spent hours with the volunteers looking for a missing man. 

They tackled the woods nearby, with the drunken man in tow.  

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During the search, one volunteer started to shout out the name "Mutlus". 

The man then responded and asked who they were looking for as that was his name!

According to Mutlus, there was no reason for the family to report him missing. 

Even more strange is that this is not the first time an incident like this has happened!

Image Credit: Unsplash 

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