Eight ways to spot a pathological liar

Eight ways to spot a pathological liar

Here is how you can tell if you are dealing with a pathological liar...

Man struggling to carry heavy stone lies
Man struggling to carry heavy stone/ lies

Humans lie. From the age of two, children can lie to get themselves out of situations or to gain something. 

This lying can continue into adult life. 

But pathological lying is a condition. It is lying taken to the next level. 

Let's look at some of the signs that can indicate a pathological lying condition.  

READ: Crawford-Browne a 'pathological liar': ANC

Excessive lies

Pathological liars have a habit of lying. Although the average person lies from time to time, pathological liars lie more frequently. Lying almost becomes their second nature, causing those around them to lose trust and doubt anything they say. 

Lie for no reason 

Pathological liars lie for no reason. Sometimes they can't even tell why they lied and, in some cases, the lie has no clear benefit to them. 

Lies can be easily proven to be false

People who are pathological liars lie about the most absurd things. At times the lies are so obvious, but they seem to believe that people can't see that they are lying. 

The lies sound bizarre and they can lie about the most random things.

Stories keep changing 

Pathological liars can't stick to one story. They constantly add more lies to the original lie. 

They continue the lie even after being caught 

Pathological liars can't help but lie even after being called out. They can even get mad at you for confronting them about the lies. 


Some people become pathological liars because they are self-centred. Some suffer from low self-esteem and might tell lies to boost their ego or status. 

Troubled relationships 

Pathological liars might experience trouble in relationships because of habitual lying. 

Not accountable

Pathological liars don't like being questioned about their lies and might distance themselves from those who question them. 

READ: Woman shares her story in a 50-part series 'Who TF did I marry?'

Below, Dr Tracey Marks shares more about pathological lying:

@drtraceymarks Pathological lying: Mental disorder or a habit? #pathologicalliars #liars #lying #lyingfornoreason ♬ original sound - Dr. Tracey Marks

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