Five ways men show love without saying it

Five ways men show love without saying it

A few ways to know when a man is showing you love.

man inlove

It goes without saying that men and women show love differently. However, it is more hard for men to open up about their feelings and affection.

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This is unfortunately a result of the social conditioning for men to hide their feelings, as they are made out to be weak.

The following are a few ways men show unspoken love:

Remembering details about you

Men are mostly known to be forgetful about most things. However, it is very special when they remember the most tiny of details or anything you have spoken about with them.

Taking an interest in your interests

Everyone likes what they like, but when a man starts trying to understand why you like certain things or maybe even watching your romantic movies just because you like them, then it is a sign of love.

Including you in future plans

A man in love will plan the future being mindful of you being in it. They can sometimes go as far as acknowledging your plans and finding ways to make them work in line with theirs, just to have you and your future.

Being protective

Men often feel the need to protect their loved ones. That is a way for them to express love and care for those they want in their life

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Spending time with you

This is pretty self explanatory - just enjoy it!

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