Former Miss SA: Anxiety once 'paralyzed' me | Don't Hold Back podcast

Former Miss SA: Anxiety once 'paralyzed' me

Former Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo ‘Shudu’ Musida opens up about her journey battling anxiety, the importance of mental health advocacy, and seeking out - and celebrating the little wins.

Shudufhadzo ‘Shudu’ Musida on Don't Hold Back
JacPod / DW: Shudu Musida and Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba

Did you know that former Miss South Africa Shudufhadzo ‘Shudu’ Musida only entered the competition to fulfill a promise to a friend? 

For the Season Two finale of ‘Don’t Hold Back’, host Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba talks to Shudu about how getting a grip on her mental health helped her achieve her potential. 

We also find out how experiences in Shudu's upbringing convinced her that raising awareness for mental health in South Africa has been life-changing - not just for her, but also for her peers. 

On the lighter side, Shudu also shares some fun insights into her personal life. Ever wondered who her celebrity role model is or what her favorite snack might be? 

Listen to the full podcast at the top of the page, or directly below, to find out.

Fighting an invisible enemy called celiac disease

Meanwhile in a previous episode of 'Don't Hold Back': Imagine living with a disease that means you cannot eat most foods, keeps you out of school, blemishes your skin, and forces you to move cities - but no one has a cure, and some doctors don't even believe you. 

This is the story of Princess Mahogo, a young Gauteng woman who battled celiac disease for 19-years before she was diagnosed. 

She tells Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba how she survived, and why she does not want other young South Africans to suffer a similar fate.  Listen directly below.       

In an earlier episode: 

For lawyer Emma Sadleir, there are tough cases, and then there are cyberbullying cases. The growing trend is victims are getting younger, and perpetrators are harder to catch. Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba is joined by cyberbullying expert Emma Sadleir to unpack the dark side of our digital lives. Emma - co-author of 'Don't Film Yourself Having Sex' and ‘Selfies, Sexts and Smartphones’ - sheds light on the disturbing trend of sextortion, explaining how it's become alarmingly common and what victims can do. 

If you are affected by cyberbullying or know someone who is, do check out Emma's blog for information on how to handle cyber harassment.

ALSO READ: Artist fights for men's mental health: "Go to therapy, my guy!


South African presenter Nozibele Qamngana-Mayaba is well known for her HIV-AIDS activism and YouTube channel. After her own HIV diagnosis in 2013, Nozibele made it her mission to hold open conversations about her journey. Now a published author and respected authority on the subject, the 33-year-old’s work was named as one of the web’s Top 15 HIV YouTube channels.  She recently completed a second season of her TV show called #YesIHaveHIV, where she assists others to disclose their HIV statuses to friends and family.  In May of 2023, her presenting skills earned her an international nomination in the "Presenter of the Year" category at the Association of International Broadcasting awards. With her direct, engaging, and empathetic hosting style, she's the perfect fit to address taboo topics - and to say: Don't hold back!

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‘Don’t hold back – say it loud’  is a co-production between German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), Jacaranda FM and East Coast Radio.

Don’t hold back – say it loud’ is both an audio and video production.

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