International Day of Charity: How Jacaranda FM is changing the lives of thousands

International Day of Charity: How Jacaranda FM is changing the lives of thousands

For many years, Jacaranda FM has been helping thousands of South Africans improve their lives through the Good Morning Angels initiative. 

Hand giving heart to another hand
Hand giving heart love help support kindness/ iStock

September 5 marks International Day of Charity. The date was chosen because of the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who died in 1997. 

She is the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity. 

In 1979, she was honoured with the Nobel Prize for Peace.

She devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor.

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Over the years, there have been many charitable organisations founded. 

Jacaranda FM prides itself in the honourable work it has done to better the lives of many South Africans. 

Good Morning Angels (GMA) has been running since 2005. 

Every week, GMA, with the help of Jac's loyal listeners and partners, changes the lives of some of the most needy in the community. 

Through the initiative, children with special needs, animals, cancer patients, and even those who needed surgery, have been assisted. You can read all the life-changing stories here

The recipients are vetted and chosen with the utmost care and due diligence.

This International Day of Charity, make a difference in someone's life by donating to GMA. 

See how to donate here

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