Plan your wedding like an expert

Plan your wedding like an expert

Here are seven tips to help you plan the wedding of your dreams...

Bridal bouquet
Bridal bouquet/ iStock

Your wedding is one of the most important events of your life. 

It is a public declaration that you have embarked on a new journey of building a new family. 

Without a wedding planner, a lot of things can go wrong. 

To ensure that all goes well on the big day, we spoke to celebrity wedding planner Mabutla Modiba of InnoVativeEventZ to get tips to help you plan the perfect wedding day.

READ: WATCH: The 13 wedding rules for the guests

Start planning on time

Mabutla warns against rushing to have a wedding because of all the planning and money involved. 

“If you can, start planning on time. Don’t decide today that you are getting married next month because that will put you under a lot of pressure as to how you handle this, how you handle that, where do you find what,” she says.  

Mabutla recommends at least four months of planning. 

“So, give yourself time, maybe four months. That’s enough time for you to go dress shopping, go look for a venue, and do things,” she says. 

READ: Is this the wedding planner from your nightmares?

Have a budget and stick to it

Mabutla says one of the most important things in planning a wedding is sticking to your budget. 

So many people go into debt because of their wedding day, but with a proper budget, this can be avoided. 

“Have a budget and try to stick to your budget. When you go to service providers, you know how much you are willing to spend and how much you can spend,” says Mabutla.

“Having a budget will determine the kind of wedding dress you can afford to buy, and even your décor,” she adds. 

So, get quotations for the things you want and ensure that you have saved enough before having a wedding day. 

Choose a good venue

The venue is very important when planning a wedding. 

Mabutla says determining the venue will depend on the number of guests you are expecting and your budget.

“If you are from a big family, try to find a venue that allows you to bring your own food because venues make money out of food. So if you can find a flexible venue that will allow you to bring your own food, bring your own drinks, you will save a lot of money, because food is one of the most expensive items that people tend to spend money on for their wedding,” she says. 


“People don’t want to come to your wedding and there is no entertainment. First, find out what kind of people are coming to your wedding,” she says.

“Draw a detailed plan on how you are going to entertain your guests," she says. 

She says choose the kind of songs you want to be played, and the kind of games that will be played. There are a lot of games that can be played that will leave your guests entertained.

And finally... remember to have fun on your big day!

Food, food, food...

Wedding planner Constance Mathobela shares tips on how to choose the best menu for your wedding.

How much is your budget for food?

Before you can decide on a wedding menu, ask yourself how much you will be budgeting for food. To help you decide on that, look at how many people you will need to cater for and the kind of people you have invited. For instance, when deciding on drinks, an upper-class guest list might prefer drinking wine instead of home-brewed beer. 

Choose food you enjoy

Because it is YOUR wedding, it is important that your menu also has food that you will enjoy. 

Consider what people like

But because you won't be the only one at your wedding, it's important to also consider what other people might like. Don't forget that what is enjoyable in one culture might not necessarily be enjoyable for people of a different culture. So if you have invited different cultures, don't go for foods that are restricted to one culture. 

Be cautious of the season

There are seasonal salads and foods, so even though you may like a specific dish, consider the season. For instance, if you choose to make a cheese salad in summer and leave it placed in a hot environment, the cheese might melt and ruin the taste of the salad. So choose foods that are in season.

Last but not least, remember to always select healthy meals!

Picking the right dress

Although you can have lots of dresses and wear them on different occasions, you will only get to wear your wedding dress on your wedding. 

People pay attention to how you look as a bride, therefore your wedding dress is important. It has to reflect your individuality.

Read tips on how to pick up the best dress - Seven ways to help you choose the best wedding dress. 

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