The process of adopting a child in South Africa

The process of adopting a child in South Africa

Are you looking to make a difference in the life of a child who has no family? Here is what you need to know about adoption. 

Happy biracial mom
Happy biracial mom with her children/ iStock

In South Africa, data from 2017 shows that there are approximately 2.8-million orphans living in the country. 

According to, there are roughly 2,400 adoptions per year. A very small number compared to the number of children needing homes. 

This is a cause for concern and points to the importance of adoptive parents.

What better way to show your love to abandoned children than by giving them a home and a chance at a better future? 

As the world commemorates World Adoption Day, it is important to remember that every child deserves a home and you can part of those who solves this global problem.

READ: Couple receives backlash after they “rehomed” their adopted son with autism

If you are living in South Africa and want to adopt a child, below is the process to follow, as stipulated by the government website. 

- Go to any adoption agency in any province of your choice to apply. 

- The adoption agency will conduct a screening/home study to check if you are fit and proper to adopt a child.

- If the agency is satisfied with the results, they will put you on a Register of Adoptable Children and Adoptive Parents while they help you search for a child who is available for adoption.

- If a child is available, they will call you to the offices to meet the child and ask you if you are interested in adopting the child.

- If you agree, they will send your report to the Children’s Court to finalise the adoption and issue an adoption order.

- The Court report will be sent to the Department of Social Development so they can check if correct procedure was followed and to record both your and the child’s details.

- The cost of the adoption process depends on the agency you use. 

VIDEO: Adorable girl recalls adoption day to her mother

Image courtesy of iStock/ @fizkes

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