SA man offers his suit and a free haircut to Grade 12 learners in need

SA man offers his suit and a free haircut to Grade 12 learners in need

With Matric Ball season in full swing, many generous people have offered dresses and car hire services to those in need. 

SA man offers his suit and a free haircut to Grade12 learners in need
SA man offers his suit and a free haircut to Grade12 learners in need

A Cape Town man by the name of Shadley Wade has, however, taken a different spin to it by offering his suit to someone in need and a free haircut at his barber shop. 

As the pandemic has caused many families to deal with financial strains, we are sure this offer will come as a blessing to someone. 

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It is admirable to see the hearts of many South Africans as they try and lend a hand where they can. 

It has been a month of uncertainty as schools have opened and closed at random times due to COVID-19 numbers. 

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This is a generous gesture by Wade and we hope others will follow in his footsteps. 

Image Credit: Facebook/ShadleyWade 

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