Signs he or she is your work husband or wife

Signs he or she is your work husband or wife

Do you have a work husband or wife? Here is how you can tell...

Partners sitting at table
Partners sitting at table/ iStock

A 2023 report by Psychology Today says there has been an increase in work spouse relationships. 

What is a work spouse?

The publication references Chad McBride and colleague Karla Bergen who defined a work spouse as a “special, platonic friendship with a work colleague characterised by a close emotional bond, high levels of disclosure and support, and mutual trust, honesty, loyalty, and respect”. 

One of the reasons why these relationships are on the rise is because many people spend more time at work than at any other place. 

This kind of relationship can make work more pleasant. 

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Let's look at signs that show that someone is your work spouse:

- This kind of relationship is not a romantic relationship, but it is more than a friendship. You feel closely attached to the person. 

- You can't wait to get to work and share with them something you have experienced or are going through. 

- You turn to him or her for emotional support. 

- At the office, this is the person you spend most of the time with. 

- The two of you have a language and inside jokes that are only understood by you. 

- You can tell when your colleague is not fine even if they have put on a smile. 

- If you are not at work, this is the one person you miss the most. You might find yourself even texting or calling the person after office hours. 

- The person knows a lot about your personal life, sometimes even details your spouse doesn't know. 

- You often spend lunchtime together and can sometimes even share meals. 

- You can even sometimes finish each other's sentences. 

- The person genuinely cares about you and you care about them. 

- There is mutual respect and trust in the relationship. 

- You turn to the person for advice about crucial things. 

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Image courtesy of iStock/ @Yaroslav Olieinikov

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