Six-legged dog gets second chance with new family

Six-legged dog gets second chance with new family

Ariel, a six-legged dog that was left abandoned outside a shop, has found a new loving family. 

Portrait of a dog
Portrait of a dog /iStock

Having a dog as part of your family can fill your home with many joyful moments. 

Ariel is a dog that brought joy to one family in the United Kingdom. 

She was abandoned when she was only 11 weeks old last year September. 

The dog was found outside a store. Fortunately, it was taken in by the local centre Greenacres Rescue in Haverfordwest, reports Sky News

Later, as luck would have it, Ariel found herself a new home at Mr Ollie Bird's house. The gentleman runs an adaptive surf school in West Wales.

The dog, who has several health challenges, was welcomed with open arms by the Bird family. 

Ariel has six legs, two vulvas, and only one kidney.

Ariel's story touched many in the local area. As a result, more than £15,000 was raised in donations for Ariel after the news of her abandonment first broke, reports Sky News. 

Bird says Ariel came into their lives shortly after the family lost their other dog. 

"We had a 16-year-old dog that we found 13 years ago wandering down Freshwater West beach, our local beach. And, unfortunately, he just suddenly passed away overnight," Mr. Bird told Sky News. 

"For a whole 48 hours, we thought we're not going to get another dog because it's so upsetting. And then we realised that our home felt empty without one and we applied to Greenacres for a dog," he added. 

READ: The two most common tick-borne diseases affecting dogs in South Africa

The owner said because of the health challenges, Ariel sometimes struggles to walk long distances. 

"She joins us everywhere we go. She actually can walk very well," he said.

"She does need little breaks now and again, but if we were to go on a walk, I could put her in a bag or I give her lots of stops," he added.

Bird has described Ariel as a loving dog. 

"She's a very gentle soul, she likes sitting and watching," said Bird. 

READ: Meet the man who dresses up like a dog

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