Top 4 ways to prep for winter health

Top 4 ways to prep for winter health

Don't let the coughs and sniffles get the better of you this winter. Be prepared with these essentials...

Woman coughing
Woman coughing / iStock

There's a chill in the air, Gauteng.

Sadly, what that means is that people will be getting sick more often and the threat of germs spreading will increase.

READ: All you need to know about the flu shot

To protect yourself and your family this winter, it is important to be prepared for the seemingly inevitable.

Below we list four options which will help you fight off the coughs, sniffles, and worse over the coming cold months.

Slow-release Vitamin C

Vitamin C, along with its many other health benefits, is excellent for boosting your immune system. With the cold and flu season upon us, keeping your immune system in tip-top shape is vital, so upping your Vitamin C intake will go a long way in fighting off those dreaded coughs and sniffles this winter.

Click here for a slow-release Vitamin C option you can add to your daily health routine

Immunity boosters

An immunity booster has the power to improve and strengthen the collection of specialised cells, tissues, and organs that work together to make up your body’s immune system. With the threat of colds and flu upon us, strengthen your natural defence against germs with an immunity booster.

Click here for an immunity booster option you can add to your daily health routine

READ: How to ease the effects of overindulgence


There is not much worse than feeling congested all day, every day during winter. It's not only annoying, but it can throw you off your game, making daily tasks and work a real slog. To help in this regard, a decongestant has the power to clear up your blocked nose and free you from the grip of that clogged-up feeling.

Click here for a decongestant option that will have you smelling the roses again

Pain / Fever support

The dreaded twosome of winter - pain and fever. While you never know when they will strike, it is important to be prepared for the almost inevitable in winter. So, it's advised that you keep pain and fever aids on you at all times to ease the effects of the pair. These aids work by blocking prostaglandin production, which is released into the body during bouts of pain and fever.

Click here for a pain / fever support option you should keep on hand at all times

Disclaimer: Health-related information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor or pharmacist on any health-related issues.

Arrie Nel and Mopani Pharmacy campaign banner
Arrie Nel / Mopani Pharmacy

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