Why certain clothes can cause an allergic reaction to your skin

Why certain clothes can cause an allergic reaction to your skin

Fashion designer Tshegofatso Maotoe explains why certain fabrics might give you an allergic reaction and how to solve the problem.

Woman scratching her itchy arm
Woman scratching her itchy arm/ iStock

Have you ever worn something and developed a rash or itchy red spots on your skin? That might be an indication that you are allergic to the fabric. 

There are many different fabrics and materials used to make clothes, but not all of them are safe to use. 

Tshegofatso Maotoe, a local fashion designer who owns Tenacious Soul, says it is very important to pay attention to the fabric you buy if you are prone to skin allergies. 

This is because certain chemicals have been proven to cause an allergic reaction. 

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“Synthetic fabrics can cause an allergic reaction,” warns the designer. She says this is because synthetic material is man-made and contains chemical processes that do not commonly occur in nature.

Such materials include fibreglass, acrylic, elastane, and nylon. Maotoe says such chemicals can cause allergies in some people. 

The solution to this, according to the designer, is to wash the clothes before wearing them, but this is not guaranteed to work on everyone. 

Maotoe says those who are allergic to synthetic materials should rather wear clothes made out of natural materials. These include raw silk, linen, and cotton.

Image courtesy of iStock/ @Melpomenem

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