How pecan nuts are beneficial to your health

How pecan nuts are beneficial to your health

Eating pecan nuts can do wonders for your health. Here are some of the health benefits. 

Pecan nuts
Pecan nuts /iStock

Pecan nuts rank among the top 15 foods with the highest levels of antioxidants according to the USDA, reports food.ndtv

They come from the pecan tree. 

Pecan nuts can be eaten alone or mixed into shakes, baked goodies, smoothies, ice-cream etc.

READ: Tanzania president orders army to buy nuts

Let's look at the benefits you will gain from eating pecan nuts. 

- Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) (disorders of the heart and blood vessels) are the leading cause of death globally. They result in an estimated 17.9-million deaths each year, reports the World Health Organisation. However, eating nuts and living a healthy lifestyle can help lower your chances of suffering from CVDs. This is because pecan nuts have monounsaturated fat which help lower your cholesterol levels. 

- Obesity is also a big problem around the world, but consuming nuts can help you maintain a healthy body weight, as long as you eat healthy food and exercise. Pecan nuts are fiber-rich foods. These types of foods make you feel satisfied for longer and help maintain bowel health. 

- Pecan nuts have anti-inflammatory benefits. According to Everyday Health, inflammation can contribute to issues like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. The nuts also have Omega-3 fats which can help ease the pain of arthritis. 

READ: How eating nuts can boost lung function

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