You are better off eating ice-cream than a multigrain bagel: Study

You are better off eating ice-cream than a multigrain bagel: Study

Turns out healthy is being redefined and ice-cream made the cut.


If you are an ice-cream lover, then the news is for you.

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A new study from Tufts University in Massachusetts is suggesting that ice-cream might be healthier than most things.

The suggestion is a result that came from using a Food Campus developed by Tufts experts at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.

To find out, different types of food were ranked from 1 to 100 based on their nutrition. The higher the number, the healthier the food.

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When comparing the two, ice-cream scored a 37, while a multigrain bagel with raisins received a 19. The list of comparison went on and on, but the ice-cream one was the most exciting.

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