Stevia - The sugar replacement plant that doesn't cause cavities

Stevia - The sugar replacement plant that doesn't cause cavities

The good thing is that you can plant stevia in your garden and reap the health benefits! 

Stevia /iStock

Stevia is known as the sweet leaf or sugar leaf. 

According to WebMD, it is about 100 to 300 times sweeter than refined or table sugar.

However, unlike table sugar, stevia has no carbohydrates, calories, or artificial ingredients.

Most people add stevia in beverages such as tea and lemonade. It can also be added to sauces, cereals, or when cooking. The good thing is that you don't need to worry about the extra calories that often come with sugar.

Research published in Business Insider states how scientists found out that introducing stevia to children's meals can help prevent tooth decay. 

Another publication states that: "Stevia has been found to interact differently with the bacteria in the mouth, decreasing the acidity and resulting in less bacterial and cavity formation."

Very Well Fit publication adds another benefit of the plant and states: "Stevia is thought to have hypoglycemic properties, resulting in lower insulin and glucose levels when consumed." 

Stevia is easy to grow from home. However, you can also get it from stores in the form of powder or liquid. 

Watch the video below on how you can grow your own stevia, whether in your garden or as a house plant:

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