Three drinks that are ranked high in calories

Three drinks that are ranked high in calories

A nutritionist shared three drinks that are surprisingly packed with calories. 

Friends celebrating party drinking cocktails at bar
Friends celebrating party drinking cocktails at bar/ iStock

Watch what you eat and drink! This is what we are often told by health experts. 

Unhealthy eating and drinking habits can wreck one's well-being and result in several diseases. 


There is a link between high-calorie intake and weight gain or loss. Although calories are not bad, consuming too much is what puts one's health at risk. 

The number of calories you should eat a day depends on various factors including age, gender, and how much you weigh. It is advisable to speak to a health expert about how many calories you should consume. 

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Nutritionist Georgia Chilton shared three drinks that are high in calories.

Speaking to The Mirror, the Nutritionist says the first drink that people should be mindful of is beer

Georgia told the publication that "a pint can have anywhere from 200 to 300 calories".

WebMD adds that "alcoholic beer is likely safe for most adults when used in moderation (two 12-ounce glasses daily). But drinking more than this is possibly unsafe".

The publication states some of the dangers of drinking too much beer are that it can cause blackouts, drowsiness, low blood sugar, and vomiting. 

When it comes to drinks that are high in calories beer is followed by a Piña colada - a cocktail made with rum, cream of coconut, and pineapple juice. 

Georgia says such "cocktails can have around 300 to 400 calories per drink thanks to the heavy fat content in the ingredients". The expert added that a typical serving of Piña colada could have over 15g of fat. 

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Daiquiri, a cocktail made of rum, citrus juice, and sugar or other sweetener, is the third listed drink that has high calories. 

Georgia told The Mirror that daiquiri can have between 200 to 300 per drink.

"They are often made with pre-prepared mixes which are known for being high in sugar. Once again, given the high added sugar content, you're likely to experience a quick peak and then drop in blood sugar levels, impacting your energy levels and hunger," the expert told the publication. 

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