Traditional coleslaw recipe with honey twist

Traditional coleslaw recipe with honey twist

Do you enjoy eating coleslaw, but want to give your traditional recipe a twist? Look no further...

Coleslaw / iStock

Coleslaw ranks high on the list of favourite dishes, especially at South African family gatherings or celebrations. 

Even without the crowd, coleslaw is quite popular at the dinner or lunch table. 

This is because coleslaw can take your average meal to another level. It is delicious and easy to make. 

A traditional coleslaw recipe consists of shredded cabbage and carrots mixed with mayonnaise. 

If you want a twist on the traditional recipe and to give it a bit of sweetness, we guarantee that honey will do the trick.

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Let's look at the recipe below:

- Shred or thinly slice carrot and cabbage and mix them. 

- In another bowl, make the sauce - whisk together mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, and honey.

- Pour dressing over shredded cabbage mixture.

- Toss to evenly coat. 

Serve immediately or put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to let it set. 

Enjoy with whatever meal you are serving! 

READ: Let's get saucy! Try this self-saucing butterscotch pudding recipe

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