7 times James Blunt was the funniest man on Twitter

7 times James Blunt was the funniest man on Twitter

James Blunt might seem like the kinda guy who’s a bit quiet, and maybe doesn’t have the biggest personality in the room. We get it….but it turns out he is not only a hardcore ex-military tank driver, he is also a master of sarcasm and witty comebacks.

7 times James Blunt was the funniest man on Twitter
While a lot of his material is decidedly R-rated, here are some of his top (close to PG) moments on Twitter. Sometimes he calls people out, other times he wins at the typical British trait of being self-deprecating. Either way, you definitely want to start following him. When people questioned his status: When a gym-goer was unhappy about the music choices When he threw shade at Noel Gallagher (who, admittedly, is not the most chilled guy in the music business) And when he threw shade at Noel Gallagher AGAIN…and the world laughed. Sometimes people just have to be brought down to earth: Not upstairs too! When his two fans just weren’t quite supportive enough And finally, when he acknowledged that even though he’s hilarious…a lot of people still just cannot deal with ‘Ýou’re Beautiful’ playing.

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