Controversial Zuma Cartoon

Controversial Zuma Cartoon

This Zuma cartoon is making waves.


The controversial cartoon has been doing the rounds today and is being passed off as a piece from popular cartoonist Zapiro. Not to worry though - it's fake! Did you believe it?





The background to the story comes from Zapiro publishing a very similar image of President Bush in 2002 when doctors removed five small growths from President Bush's colon after he temporarily transferred the powers of his office to Vice President Dick Cheney under the rarely invoked 25th Amendment.

Text below is taken from Zapiro : Tooning The Odds by Carlos Amato

"Bush is on all fours, receiving a colonoscopy exam which reveals, to the shock of his doctor, that his brain is situated up his rectum. It is a juvenile idea, but the expert composition of the drawing raises pure scatology to an inspired pitch. Bush faces us, humming a tune to himself, radiating complacent vacuousness. The doctor faces away from us, and with him we see the glowing brain on the colonoscopy monitor. That Zapiro’s caricature is within spitting distance of the Bush’s actual physiognomy intensifies the cognitive friction through which the cartoon emits comic energy."

Here is the original image:

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