Dr Musa Mthombeni celebrates mom's 60th birthday

Dr Musa Mthombeni celebrates mom's 60th birthday

Photos and videos of Dr Musa and his wife Liesl Laurie celebrating his mom's birthday were shared on social media over the weekend. 

Musa Mthombeni
Musa Mthombeni / Instagram

Dr Musa Mthombeni and his family threw a surprise party for his mother over the weekend. 

Images and videos of the celebration were shared on X by several users. 

One of the videos shows Musa's wife, Liesl Laurie, doing a countdown to signal to the attendees that her mother-in-law is about to enter the hall so that they can shout, "Surprise". 

READ: This is how Liesl Laurie spoiled her husband on his birthday

Musa's mom, who walked in with her husband, seemed pleasantly surprised as the guests shouted "surprise" and sang 'Happy Birthday' for her. 

The mom looked stunning in a dress and matching flamboyant hat. 

The family was celebrating her 60th birthday. 

Although the venue of the birthday celebration was not disclosed, the theme for the celebration was all black. 

READ: X users gush over Dr Musa Mthombeni's love for Liesl Laurie

Musa often speaks fondly of his parents. 

He has shared several images of his mom and dad on his Instagram account. 

In 2022, he shared images of his mom holding him on his lap with the caption: "Happy birthday Mama! Another year of uMusa! 🖤".

READ: Dr Musa Mthombeni celebrates becoming a radiologist

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