Euphonik trows major shade at Bonang Matheba

Euphonik trows major shade at Bonang Matheba

DJ Euphonik is setting the record straight and felt the need to clear the air on social media at the weekend - dissing his ex.

Bonang Matheba in Taibo Bacar

This time, DJ Euphonik is adding his views on the AKA and Bonang Matheba saga.

The radio personality and businessman has taken to Twitter to explain that he no beef with AKA, as he has taken nothing from him. In case you've forgetten, Bonang was in a relationship with Euphonik, which ended in a very dramatic way. 

We're not sure what prompted Euphonik's tweets, but he is spitting some fire. Here are his numbered tweets: 

Euphonik tweets 1
Euphonik tweets 2
Euphonik tweets 3

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