Ice Spice ‘hysterically cried’ when Taylor Swift called her for a collab

Ice Spice ‘hysterically cried’ when Taylor Swift called her for a collab

The rapper says the request to feature on Taylor Swift's song felt unreal.

Ice spice
Ice Spice/ Instagram

Imagine getting a call from the one and only Taylor Swift to feature on her album - surreal!

That's exactly how Ice Spice felt when she received a call from the superstar to feature on the official remix for the single, 'Karma'.

Ice Spice, whose real name is Isis Naija Gaston, told Rolling Stone that Swift called her manager in early 2023 while she was living in New Jersey in her first apartment. 

“I remember my manager called me, and he usually texts, but he called, and he’s like, ‘You ready for this one?’ And I’m thinking it’s going to be some bad news or something,” Ice told Rolling Stone

“He’s like, ‘Taylor Swift has a record for you to get on from her album'," she explained. 

The 24-year-old says although she acted calmly on the phone, she cried after hanging up. 

"I’m playing it cool on the phone. I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s cool. Super cool.’ And then I hang up the phone, and I’m hysterically crying."

She told the publication that the moment felt surreal. 

"I’m in my walk-in closet, and I’m like, ‘Bro, this is not real life,’” she said. 

READ: Ice Spice on her obsession with Lana Del Rey


Following the collaboration, the duo went on to become close friends, despite people saying Swift's interest in Ice was only surface level.

“Which is so rude to me, [because] why would she not want to be my friend?” Ice told the publication. 

Today, she says Swift is one of her closest celeb friends. 

“Taylor fu**s with me. She’s so funny. I think our personalities mesh really well.”

Swift feels the same way about Ice. 

“I love when I meet a new artist who takes a keen interest in not just the music, but the music industry and how it works,” Swift told Rolling Stone. 

“I’ve seen how our industry tries to convince artists that they’re better off just being creative and making music and letting the labels and the management do the rest. Seeing Ice lean into the strategic, financial, and business aspects of her career is really exciting for me. The more artists learn about the inner workings of the music industry, the more power they can have in their creative world. I knew based on the questions she asked and the observations she made that she didn’t just want to be a passenger in her own career. She wanted to be the driver of it,” she added.  

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