Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake move away from LA to give kids privacy

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake move away from LA to give kids privacy

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake recently moved away from Los Angeles for the sake of their family's privacy. 

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake/ Instagram

Children who are born to celebrities are automatically put in the spotlight. 

This can rob them of enjoying an ordinary life without worrying about being put on a pedestal because of their parents' success. 

Jessica Biel and her husband Justin Timberlake had to make tough decisions as a family to ensure they created some normalcy for their children. 

In an interview with SiriusXM’s 'Let’s Talk Off Camera with Kelly Ripa' on May 22, Jessica said her family had to relocate from Los Angeles.

She explained that the decision came after the family struggled with fans and the paparazzi whom she thinks "don't really think they necessarily respect" when the parents were "out and about with our kids".

“It can be somewhat country dependent, where if we're in this country, in the States, it's kind of like state by state, you know. You get hammered on the East Coast, you kind of get hammered on the West Coast. That's why we don't really live there anymore,” she said. 

As a result, the family moved so that they could "create some normalcy" especially for their kids, Phineas, 3, and Silas, 9.

She added: "We wanted to share our family with our loved ones and friends."

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Although she is protecting her kids from the limelight now, she says they will later have a choice as to whether they want to follow in their parents' footsteps of being in the entertainment industry. 

“And I know this very social media world is where they exist and where they live and that will be a very big part of their life and their reality. I just don't want it to be on my account, so we try to engage in a way that feels authentic." 

The actress and author added that the decision to move and protect their children is “just our family choice”.

READ: Jessica Biel's entrance on 'Ellen' is one for the books 

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