Karlien to take legal action as Derick admits to 'drinking too much'

Karlien to take legal action as Derick admits to 'drinking too much'

The drama between singer, Karlien van Jaarsveld and her former husband, Derick Hougaard will soon be taken to court.

karlien van jaarsveld
Kalrien van Jaarsveld / Instagram.

Derick Hougaard's stormy divorce battle made headlines again after his former wife, Karlien van Jaarsveld announced on social media that their twin boys went missing under Hougaard's supervision.

The singer had social media up in arms when she also shared that many people called her to tell her that Hougaard was drunk at Jacaranda FM's Carols by Candlelight at Loftus Versfeld last week.

READ ALSO: 'Ons was die veiligste wat ons kan wees' - Derick Hougaard details dramatic evening at Loftus

Karlien's mother and manager, Ronel Brink told Sunday newspaper, Rapport that her daughter wants to take legal steps against Hougaard. This comes after Brink gathered testimonials from people that saw Hougaard intoxicated at the event.

She went on to say that van Jaarsveld doesn’t want to keep the children away from Derick, but that she wants to ensure that her children are safe when they are with Hougaard. 

Hougaard joined Martin Bester on Thursday to explain what exactly happened the night the drama unfolded: “We were the safest that we could be. We were sitting with friends and later the kids got cold. One of our friends owns the Summit Bar. So we went to go sit there because they were getting cold. We covered them up, and they were sleeping.”

Listen to the full interview here:

Rapport newspaper further reports that Derick admits to having 'too much to drink'.

"I am not going to deny that I had too much to drink, but my children were never in any danger. They were under supervision all the time," Derick told the newspaper.

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