All systems go for SONA

All systems go for SONA

National Assembly speaker Thandi Modise says it is all systems go for Thursday's State Of The Nation Address (SONA).

Newly elected National Assembly speaker Thandi Modise
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Modise was speaking on Parliament stairs on Wednesday ahead of the announcement of candidates of Parliament’s heads of committees.

READ: Parliament gears up for SONA

Modise says they have confirmed almost all guests that will be attending

"We expect that we start on time and finish on time. So we are fine."

She says that order during the address will be maintained.

"We will make sure that between the two us - the chair of the NCOPE and myself - we will make sure that order is maintained, that all the rules are applied very equally across the board, and we'll make sure that we start and finish on time, if we can't we shall still start and finish."

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President Cyril Ramaphosa echoed the speaker’s sentiments.

"We are quite relaxed. I have been taken through the process by the speaker and the chair of the NCOP. They were actually telling me what to say. I'm ready."

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