ANC and its youth league make submissions at Fees Commission

ANC and its youth league make submissions at Fees Commission

Chairperson of the ANC's sub-committee on Health, Education, Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor has told the Fees Commission that free higher education for the poor remains the ruling party's ultimate goal. 

Naledi Pandor_jacanews
Photo: Slindelo Masikane

The commission is wrapping up its public hearings, with the final report expected in June.


The ANC Youth League's Secretary General Njabulo Nzuza submitted that they want public universities to be nationalised, because institutional autonomy is standing in the way of free education. 


"Institutional autonomy entrenches a culture that says those who can afford can get better education, those who cannot afford can then be segregated an inferior education," said Nzuza.


Pandor told the commission that since 1994, the ANC has progressively transformed higher education and strived to give life to the call in the Freedom Charter for the doors of learning to be opened.


"We believe those who can contribute should, but the poor should not have to be made to meet the cost," said Pandor.


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