ANC launches virtual Covid-19 memorial platform

ANC launches virtual Covid-19 memorial platform

The African National Congress (ANC) has launched a virtual memorial platform to commemorate and showcase the lives and times of distinguished South Africans who have passed on during the Covid-19 pandemic.

ANC launches virtual Covid-19 memorial platform

Diplomat Zindzi Mandela, ANC leader in KwaZulu-Natal Ricardo Mthembu, and Ellen Mashatile are among the individuals that the ANC is honouring on the platform.

Renowned actress Mary Thwala will also be celebrated on the platform.

ANC Secretary General, Ace Magashule says the Covid-19 lockdown has presented a number of challenges during times of bereavement.

“This initiative is in response to the nationwide lockdown regulations which have deprived the majority of South Africans, including ANC members and supporters, to bid farewell to their fallen comrades and loved ones,” said Magashule.

“It will document the lives and times of our fallen heroes and heroines and other distinguished individuals. The conditions imposed on us by the pandemic demand that we find different ways of doing things differently.”


Mandela lecture to be dedicated to Zindzi - NMF

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is expected to deliver the lecture on Saturday. The world commemorates the birthday of former president Nelson Mandela every year on 18 July, when humanity is called upon to reach out to those that are less fortunate and in need of assistance.

The platform is now live.

“Through this initiate we are confident that the memories of our dearly departed heroes and heroines will be immortalised.”

He adds the launch coincides with the 18th annual Nelson Mandela Day on Saturday.

“This year, Nelson Mandela International Day will be celebrated differently as a result of the invisible enemy that is devastating and ravaging the entire globe. Never in our recent past has humanity been exposed to such vulnerability and anxiety and such uncertainty.

“The reality of Covid-19 requires that we do things differently so as to minimize the risk.”

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