Civil society to picket against Covid-19 corruption

Civil society to picket against Covid-19 corruption

The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will join several other civil society organisations at a picket against Covid-19 corruption at Constitutional Hill on Friday.

Corruption report

The foundation’s Neeshan Balton says they are calling on South Africans to show their anger at Covid-19 corruption by wearing an orange mask every Friday.

"By wearing orange masks, we are effectively telling the government and the private sector that we value our democracy and Constitution. We refuse to sit by idly watching as greedy business ‘covidpreneurs’, politicians and public servants steal money that is meant to save lives during the pandemic."

Balton says they choose to picket on Constitutional Hill to highlight the importance of the Constitution to the country’s heritage.

"Our heritage should not be defined by the corruption that is the devil in South Africa at the moment. Our picket seeks to signify the support for a call that those implicated and found to be guilty of Covid-19 corruption needs to be seen in orange overalls as a matter of urgency.”


Unions to challenge SAA liquidation in court

NUMSA spokesperson Phakamile Hlubi-Majola says the unions have sent an official notice to the office of the President, Parliament, Treasury and the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) informing them of the decision. "We are challenging the government for not giving effect to the law by failing to provide funding for SAA and SAX and for failing to ensure that they are viable and sustainable.

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