Covid-19 crisis will strengthen NHI Bill, vows Mkhize

Covid-19 crisis will strengthen NHI Bill, vows Mkhize

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize says the Covid-19 pandemic has reinforced government’s plans for universal health coverage. 

Zweli Mkhize at Clairwood Hospital 2
Lauren Beukes

Mkhize’s comments come on the back of continued debates about the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill. 

The contentious bill is intended to achieve universal access to healthcare services in South Africa. 

Both the private and public health facilities have been placed under immense pressure during the pandemic. 


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CEO of Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital Gladys Bogoshi says they have seen a sharp increase in trauma patients since booze went back on sale. "Now the numbers are going up again, the past weekend was not as bad as the first time but we know that next week (coming weekend) especially because it's month-end, we are going to see a lot of increase in trauma cases.

Mkhize believes the NHI can be the common ground going forward.    

“Let’s use this crisis to advance our cause for universal health coverage through the National Health Insurance. As we are now unified against Covid-19, let’s not allow any disintegration of this fractional cohesion that has been forged between the clinicians, the scientists, the academics, the government, communities, businesses and labour. 

“It is very important to ensure that the commitment to collaborating together with public and private, as well as civil society becomes one of our strengths as we move forward.”

Public hearings on the bill wrapped up earlier this year.  

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