DBE denies ‘secretly’ awarding R10bn feeding scheme tender

DBE denies ‘secretly’ awarding R10bn feeding scheme tender

The Department of Basic Education has denied claims that it secretly awarded a R10 billion National School Nutrition Programme tender.

Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube image

Over the weekend, the Sunday Times reported on allegations that the tender was not above board and was issued before a minister was appointed following the May 29 general elections.

Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube recently halted the issuing of the multi-billion-rand tender for the feeding scheme under a single provider.

This is to allow for an investigation into the awarding of the tender amid the claims of corruption.

The national school nutrition programme feeds over 9 million children a day but has been marred by corruption and distribution issues.

The department’s spokesperson, Terence Khala, said the tender was published several weeks after the incoming administration assumed office.

“The assertion that the department is seeking to award the contract to reach around 10 million learners daily to ‘a single entity’ is pure mischief-making. It is a deliberate attempt to vilify the genuine efforts of the DBE to improve the NSNP for all children.

"The modernisation of the National School Nutrition Programme is an important initiative to ensure the optimisation of the social wage, reducing poverty and tackling the high cost of living for the poor, which is in line with strategic priority number two of the seventh administration,” added Khala. 


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