Govt welcomes Kotze's sentence (AUDIO)

Govt welcomes Kotze's sentence (AUDIO)

Government welcomed the news on Wednesday that so called "Modimolle Monster" Johan Kotze had been handed two life sentences by the High Court in Pretoria.

Government welcomed the news on Wednesday that so called "Modimolle Monster" Johan Kotze had been handed two life sentences by the High Court in Pretoria.
"These brutal acts are degrading, disrespectful, and infringed the rights of Ina Bonnette," acting Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) CEO Nebo Legoabe said in a statement.
"This case sends out a stern warning that government will remain steadfast in its commitment to combat the scourge of sexual and gender-based violence."
Kotze and his co-accused Andries Sithole were sentenced on Wednesday to life imprisonment for the murder of Conrad Bonnette, 19. He was the son of Ina Bonnette, Kotze's ex-wife.
Both also got 10 years for kidnapping.
Their co-accused, Pieta Mohlake and Sello Mphaka, were acquitted on the murder charge. However, each of the four was convicted of kidnapping, and of four charges relating to the rape of Ina Bonnette.
Mohlake and Mphaka also received 10 years for kidnapping. All four men were given a life sentence on the rape charges.
On charges relating to assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, Kotze received 15 years. The other three received eight years each.
Legoabe said the sentencing was a clear indication that perpetrators of violence against women and children would be prosecuted.
The sentencing led to many reactions from government and the public, here is what they had to say...   
Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities' reaction:
The NPA's Bulelwa Makeke:
People opposing Woman Abuse (POWA): 
The Prosecution: 
And finally Ina Bonette herself expresses her relief:
-Sapa / Jacanews

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