Guards aren't allowed to sleep on premises - Fidelity

Guards aren't allowed to sleep on premises - Fidelity

Fidelity Services Group says its company policy does not allow security guards to sleep at any client's facility. 


CEO Wahl Bartmann was responding to the fact that more the 40 officers were sleeping in unhygienic and non-ventilated rooms at an office park in Lonehill, north of Johannesburg. 

Some of the guards resorted to sleeping on boxes or on inflated mattresses provided by the company, while one of the men was sleeping inside the toilets at Crawford Primary School.

"Well, firstly we don't have any policy that somebody should sleep in. We run a huge fleet of about 5000 vehicles and we are one of the few companies that do provide transport to our staff from stations to their place of work, so, 40 people, I cannot agree with you," said Bartmann.

He claims to be unaware of the fact that some of the guards were sleeping in toilets at the Crawford Primary school.

"We have vehicles every day in Gauteng and across the country where we are using Quantums that are transporting our staff.”

Last week, a manager and a driver were arrested by the Johannesburg Metro police department for transporting 44 officers in one truck.

Bartmann says both will face an internal disciplinary hearing. 

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