Mop up operations completed at Tshepong Hospital in North West

Mop up operations completed at Tshepong Hospital in North West

Mop-up operations have been completed at the Tshepong Hospital in Jouberton near Klerksdorp in the North West. 

Tshepong Hospital

This follows flash floods which engulfed the hospital after heavy rains on Thursday, January 13. 


Communication manager at the hospital, Nico Masiu, says the Fire Department came to their rescue and helped to drain out the water, which had flooded the hospital. 


He says the casualty, outpatient department and pharmacy area were badly flooded. 

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Masiu adds the casualty department will be closed until further notice, and all patients who were admitted in that department have now been moved to a different unit. 


He adds that there were no report of injuries or any casualties and the extent of damage is still being assessed. 


Pictures and videos of the flooded hospital made rounds on social media yesterday as heavy rains continued in that province and across the country. 


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