Mugabe announces Cabinet ministers

Mugabe announces Cabinet ministers

Two weeks after his inauguration, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has announced the long awaited list of his cabinet ministers on Tuesday.


Two weeks after his inauguration, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has announced the long awaited list of his cabinet ministers on Tuesday.

This follows Opposition parties speaking out against  Mugabe for "crippling government operations" by delaying the announcement of a new Cabinet.

Zanu PF had continuously asked teh nation to be patient for  his announcement.


Prof Jonathan Moyo chats to Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa (The Herald)


Dr Sekeramayi being congratulated after his appointment as Minister of Defence

Here are the ministers: 


Andrew Langa, Education

Oppah Muchinguri, Gender

David Parirenyatwa, Health

Jonathan Moyo, Information

Walter Mzembi, Tourism

Kembo Mohadi, Home Affairs

Webster Shamu, ICT and Postal and Courier Services.

Emmerson Mnangagwa, Justice

Olivia Muchena, Higher Education

Lazarus Dokora, Primary and Secondary Education.

Sydney Sekeramayi, Defence

Douglas Mombeshora, Lands

Didymus Mutasa, Presidential Affairs

Ignatius Chombo, Local government.

Obert Mpofu, Transport,

Dzikamai Mavhaire, Energy

Mike Bimha, Industry

Nicholas Goche, Labour



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